Sunday, September 22, 2013

Dairy free apple pancakes

Kelly & I want to make weekend mornings into dairy free mornings!  First we start with this...

And now- for the first time we are all going to have the same breakfast together!  I wanted to try this recipe (sans walnuts of course).  

Since many allergy free recipes are gluten free- I just simply used whole wheat flour instead of coconut flour.  I also added another 1/4 C. Flour to make up for the lack off walnut dust.
I used coconut oil and also egg substitute.
I think next time I would use apple sauce or a flax egg as an egg substitute to ensure the texture for the pancakes.  

So we got started- 

Not bad!  
We all enjoyed delicious dairy-egg free apple pancakes!

So- this is a blog about successes and failures- so I can't say that this is a complete success.  
We served the pancakes with strawberry slices.  Shortly after breakfast kason started to get some redness under his eye & red dots around his mouth.  Even though he loved the pancakes, it doesn't mean they love him.
We've narrowed it down to the honey, vanilla or strawberries.  Oddly, we had noticed before that kason sometimes reacts to strawberries- but not always and not to jam.  Maybe we need to clean the fruit better?
So- now begins the trial of narrowing down what gave this minor reaction to kason.  The story of every meal for us.
A little frustrating that little successes come with failures, so you have to be a glass half full kind of allergy parent or else you will always feel defeated by the allergies.  Kelly & I are naturally very competitive, so we will not be defeated!  

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Chicken Pot Pie

So- what's more traditional than chicken pot pie?  I'm basing this on the fact that this was the staple we used to get from the sales at the Hutterite colony's.  

Inspired by meeting more friends dealing with the allergy mom syndrome (love it!) I wanted to transform a recipe.  I searched through a new cookbook I acquired from the library 
And found a recipe that I decided to tackle.  I also decided to double it since I am trying to freeze a lot of meals for fall & winter when we can't rely on throwing something on the BBQ.  
I made a few adjustments of course...
Unsalted butter = vegan becel
Chicken thighs = chicken breasts (because they were on sale)
Shallots = onion (still not 100% sure what a shallot is)
White wine = just added more broth
Half-and-half= rice milk   - I knew this would create an issue because rice milk is much closer to water than milk, so I also added a tbsp on corn starch with some water and a bit more flour

Consistency turned out great!!
My intention was to make the pie for a dinner party we are attending and serve the mixture like a stew to Kason, assuming the pie crust had egg.  Then I read the ingredients:
Looks like the 'ol egg replacer is cheaper than eggs for this manufacturer!  Ps- wondering why I didn't make my crust from scratch?  Cut me some slack- I'm working on this whole "cooking from scratch" idea on my own pace!  That's a future project.  
That being said- I don't think Kason will miss pie crust & since we try to give him things prepared by us to avoid any risk, he will be eating chicken pot pie stew while we eat pie.

I almost don't want to post the pick of my pre- cooked finished product because it looks so amateur but I know tastes delicious but that is what committing to writing a blog about food trials is all about 
Looking forward to eating this goodie & trying to convert more recipes to Kason Friendly recipes!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Yummy treat

Went to vita health today and found some blueberry flavoured cultured coconut milk! Another delicious treat that kason loves!

Is it strange that I feel happy that kason gets to eat 'yogurt' just like the other kids get to? I mean, snacking on steamed carrots is cool, but this is way better!