All of the sudden kason turned 6 months old an everything has changed:
1) no more swaddle: kason has been rolling for over a month now- but the back to front roll is becoming very frequent. Kelly and I have swaddled kason since he was about 6 weeks old and we have relied on it for kason to fall asleep quickly. It works!!!
We have debated when to stop the swaddle and have done a combination of both for the last few weeks. But this morning... After a 515 am wake up call from Kason- he rolled over while swaddled- very dangerous.
So- we said good bye to our swaddle this evening and hello to kasons new 'sleep sack'- a wearable blanket.
Today he has both his naps on his tummy.... How things have changed.
2) phase out soother
Most if u probably noticed that kason had his soother (literally) attached to him from 2weeks of age until about 5 months old. As kason become more personable- we didn't need to use the soother as such a crutch. Don't get me wrong- we still use it from time to time- but kason is much more capable of soothing himself
3) clothing!
Thank god for hand me downs! We went through a phase where we had to clear out half of kasons closet because he grew out of his 3-6 month stuff fast...
4) food and drink
As well as starting solids we are also trying to teach kason to drink water out of a cup. 3 sippy cups later- he still doesn't quite get it.
5) teeth!!!
And I thought sleep was infrequent before! Poor little guy wakes often and is in pain at the end of the day. Thank goodness for ambesol and infant Advil! His little tooth is just showing but not moving fast!
He has really taken to pressing his lips together... Likely because of the pain! It's cute!
Wouldn't change a single thing though! He couldn't be more perfect!
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