Wednesday, December 5, 2012

He is my best friend....

As I am entering my second half of my maternity leave, I'm starting to get a little uptight about the idea of leaving Kason for an entire day!! While I have done that over the last 7 months and enjoyed my time alone- I have also cherished spending so much time with him and seeing him learn new things every second!

I have heard moms say they go through phases during mat leave- first you start to miss work (I went through this at 4 months when Kelly went back to work and I spent a lot of time by myself or changing diapers....) Then you go through a phase where you can't imagine going back to work (I am definitely in is phase now) and then finally- you are just simply ready to go back.

Sounds like the phases of pregnancy- at 5 months pregnant I know I turned to Kelly and said 'I can't do this' and then a few days before my due date I was so ready to have Kason that I was no longer afraid of what was about to happen. And I can honestly say like most moms I spoke to while pregnant (and didn't believe because I thought they were trying to spare me) that I do not remember the pain of going through labor- I just remember the joy of holding our little baby boy for the first time. That I remember,every time I pick up our almost 17lb guy!!!!!

So- I'm going to make the most of the next few months with my best buddy, it has all gone by way too fast!

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