Kason's allergy appointment left me with a feeling of hope! Usually discussions about Kason's allergies leave me frustrated and lost. This time- Dr. Roberts gave us a feeling of hope. Based on the evidence of Kason's skin reactions to milk and the fact he didn't experience any anaphylaxis when he accidentally took a sip of milk- she believes that the allergy may be contact only. If that is the case, then there is a chance he can safely ingest it. If he can safely ingest it- then he can eat it in small doses and that is the only way to grow out of an allergy.
So now we do the FOOD CHALLENGE!
This means that we serve Kason a baked good with milk in it at the doctors office. A doctor will only do a food challenge after the doctor reviews the child's history, skin tests and blood tests. The challenge involves feeding Kason doses of the food every 15-30 minutes. The amount starts small and gets larger every time. The challenge takes 3-4 hours.
I'm sure this will be the worst 4 hours of my life but we are hopeful. Hopeful that maybe kason can grow out of the milk allergy, and if so maybe all his allergies!!! I know- that's pretty hopeful, and I also know that it's unlikely. The average persons IgE is 0-15, while Kason's is 2500!!!!! IgE is the body's way of fighting off things- because Kason's IgE is so high- his body sees these allergens as something foreign, and he rejects it with his allergic reactions. So- we know that things won't change- poof- just like that- but I will hold on to that little bit of hope, because we have to.
So- this is how we started off our allergy free weekend!
Marta- I was thinking of you when I made this one.
Kason and Kelly loved it! First pizza for Kason, and I'm grateful for it.
Another great way to top off a fun pizza party?? Ice Cream!!
The trick! Yonanas!
This is just a smart choice! It's frozen fruit only!!! Made into ice cream. So tasty and so healthy. Great for allergy families! And yes- Kason does have an intolerance to raw strawberries, apparently very common in those with high IgE. So- no strawberry yonanas- but banana/pineapple/mango will do just fine!
So- enjoy your weekend folks! Ours will be dairy/egg/nut free and super tasty!!!
I'm coming over for pizza and icecream. I'll bring bud lime-a-ritas!
high five for positive news!