Since our trip to Orlando, we have discovered a few more allergies for Kason. We can add Sesame, chickpea, pineapple and almond to our list of allergies, although the severity is not as extreme as the peanuts, eggs and milk. The egg allergy #'s have gone down, so our allergist would like to do an egg challenge in the upcoming year.
Here is the odd thing about allergies, there is no template. Kason has been eating pineapple (and lots of it) since he was less than 1 - with no reaction. Then on the weekend of his 2nd birthday, he had a reaction to pineapple. I spent the entire weekend preparing an allergy friendly meal for all our friends (which included pineapple of course) and Kason had a reaction.
We met someone when we were at Children's Hospital for Kason (he had injured his leg - he was ok) and she said that she has a shellfish allergy that was discovered in her 20's while she was on a cruise ship. She had always eaten shellfish but all of the sudden went into anaphalactic shock. The allergist said that 'her bucket had spilled over'. That basically meant that she had eaten her lifetime quota of shellfish, and her body could no longer handle any more. That's really how allergies work - for Kason his quota for peanuts and milk was none, but pineapple - well he had some time.
So the battle goes, we are still coping. soon we will be talking about an egg challenge.
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