Tuesday, February 26, 2013

6 more weeks

I am getting dangerously close to going back to work!  I'm going to miss my little daytime buddy.  BUT, weirdly, I'm also starting to get a little bit of 'mommy guilt' because I am starting to look forward to going back to work.  I'm not sure why - in this day most women work full time outside of the household, and I certainly will be one of them.  Even if I could, would I choose to be a full time stay at home mom?  I don't know if I would.
I love my kid, and I have loved watching him grow from a tiny little peanut to this big boy in our life!  Now it's time for mommy to get back to doing her own things... while still enjoying Kase of course.

This mommy guilt is a weird thing.  I feel mommy guilt sometimes when I am not always there to feed him/ change his diaper etc.  What the heck?  I have certainly changed enough of Kason's diapers to give me a free pass to do whatever I want!

Here is my advice to myself - GET OVER IT!

Kason is too awesome to be thinking about things like that!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Amazing little things

Kason was playing with his socks then all of the sudden this happened. Should I be saving for tuition to MIT?

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Pinterest addiction

If any of you have been on Pinterest yet you will know it is a disease, an addiction. It is basically social networking that gives you grand ideas for stuff you may (and likely will) never do! That bring said - I have made many delicious recipes off Pinterest do I'm not saying don't ever do it- I love it!

Here are some hilarious kids ideas I got off Pinterest that while cute- I'm sure I will never do. I'm sure some people look at these pins and think " I'm a bad mom if I don't make an owl shaped sandwich for my kid daily" but I am not in that boat. I'm more in the "here- munch on these tic tacs" kind of boat.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

9 months old

It took as long to grow him as he has been around! Good lord- the last 9 months have gone by WAY too fast! So much has changed in the last week alone- 2 more teeth, standing on furniture and toys, sitting on the shopping cart and moving around FAST!