Monday, November 5, 2012

Happy 6 month Birthday!

Half a year... wow.  That sure went by fast.  Kelly and I are feeling so sleep deprived from being up for 2 hours with Kason in the middle of the night we didn't even realize that it was his half year birthday until we looked at the calendar... where I had written it down!  yikes.

6 months of many many ups, and a few downs... mainly lack of sleep.  If I can get through six months of only sleeping in 3-4 hour increments... what else am I capable to doing?

The ups definately outweigh the downs:
*lots of smiles
*rolling over
*sitting up
*playing with toys
*eating solids (don`t try chicken unless you want a good laugh though)

What else is Kason going to accomplish in the next 6 months... I`m excited and a little overwhelmed to find out!

so, as I sit here typing - Forever Young by Rod Stewart came on the Galaxy station.  (don`t fault me for listening to the 80`s station - it`s awesome!) and I am reminiscing.

With mixed emotions I watch Kason grow.  Watching him get so excited as he learns new things every hour-every day is amazing.  But the idea of having a conversation with my son, walking hand in hand with my son, reading books with my son is an exciting future to look forward to.

Love u baby boy!

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